Aug 22, 2016

Google Summer of Code Finals

The end of my Google Summer of Code is approaching,  it is therefore time to take a breath and to summarize what I've done over the last few months. So I'll take the opportunity to lead you, step by step, through the various stages of my project and outline the tasks I've been working on (for a better understanding you may also have a look at my original project proposal).

Making first contact

My very first activities involved finding a way to allow the use of Polly's optimization capabilities for Julia programs. For this purpose I introduced a new macro @polly  that can be used to explicitly annotate functions which you want to be optimized by Polly:

@polly function foo()

However, since allowing polyhedral optimization in Julia is still in an experimental stage this feature will not be enabled by default. You may therefore have to build Julia from source in order to activate them. The simplest way will be to setup a Make.user file that contains the following two lines:


With USE_POLLY:=1 you tell the build system to activate all the parts that are necessary to use @polly. Currently, this also requires that you build Julia with the latest version of LLVM, therefore LLVM_VER:=svn{:.language-julia} is needed. This will then download and compile the latest version of LLVM and Polly to build your Julia executable.

Alternatively, if you want to use a local build of LLVM you may use a Make.user that looks like the following:


This way, the build system knows you want to use your own LLVM build located at YOUR_LLVM_BUILD_DIR. If you use a static LLVM build you may also want to include the configuration USE_LLVM_SHLIB:=0.

Additionally, I also added a command line option --polly=no that can be used to deactivate Polly without having to manually remove all the @polly declarations from your program which can for example simplify debugging or performance tracking.

The PRs that are accountable for bringing you this functionality are the following:

Simplifying boolean expressions

For the representation of truth values Julia provides a Bool datatype which it internally represents as 8-bit datatype instead of using a single bit. This will have interesting consequences when it comes to the lowering of branch conditions to LLVM IR. For example, consider the following code snippet:

if (i > 5) & (i < 100)

When translated to LLVM IR we would get code that corresponds to the following:

%icmp1 = icmp sgt i64 %i, 5
%zext1 = zext i1 %icmp1 to i8
%icmp2 = icmp slt i64 %i, 100
%zext2 = zext i1 %icmp2 to i8
%and = and i8 %zext1, %zext2
%neg = icmp eq i8 %and, 0
br i1 %neg, label else, label then



Since icmp instructions deliver results of type i1 (which, as its name suggests, has a bit-width of one) Julia will insert additional zext instructions to make them conform to their 8-bit Bool representation. The noise introduced by these cast operations also limits Polly's abilities to optimize such code parts. For example, consider the following loop:

for i in i:length(A)
    if (i > 5) & (i < 100)
        A[i] = 0
        A[i] = 1

Due to the presence of the casts, Polly would not be able to analyze the branch condition. Thus, when the polyhedral representation constructed this code region would have to be conservatively overapproximated which would lead to an atomic polyhedral statement for the whole loop body:

    Domain :=
        [p_0] -> { Stmt_if__TO__L_backedge[i0] : 0 <= i0 < p_0 };
    Schedule :=
        [p_0] -> { Stmt_if__TO__L_backedge[i0] -> [0] };
    ReadAccess :=	[Reduction Type: NONE] [Scalar: 0]
        [p_0] -> { Stmt_if__TO__L_backedge[i0] -> MemRef_0[0] };
    MayWriteAccess :=	[Reduction Type: NONE] [Scalar: 0]
        [p_0] -> { Stmt_if__TO__L_backedge[i0] -> MemRef_9[4i0] };
    ReadAccess :=	[Reduction Type: NONE] [Scalar: 0]
        [p_0] -> { Stmt_if__TO__L_backedge[i0] -> MemRef_0[0] };
    MayWriteAccess :=	[Reduction Type: NONE] [Scalar: 0]
        [p_0] -> { Stmt_if__TO__L_backedge[i0] -> MemRef_21[4i0] };

Having a second look at the above IR code, one might wonder why these cast operations can't actually be removed by LLVM since they seem somehow redundant in this context. After investigating this a bit it turned out that this is actually a missed optimization in LLVM's InstCombine  pass. I therefore took the chance to enhance InstCombine with an according transformation. On our above example, it would push the casts on the icmp operations after the and which would bring us the following code:

%icmp1 = icmp sgt i64 %i, 5
%icmp2 = icmp slt i64 %i, 100
%and = and i1 %icmp1, %icmp2
%zext = zext i1 %and to i8
%neg = icmp eq i8 %zext, 0
br i1 %neg, label else, label then

Finally, InstCombine would then be able to totally remove the remaining zext, leading us to:

%icmp1 = icmp sgt i64 %i, 5
%icmp2 = icmp slt i64 %i, 100
%and = and i1 %icmp1, %icmp2
%neg = icmp eq i1 %and, 0
br i1 %neg, label else, label then

With this change, Polly is now also able to correctly analyze the branch condition and extracts two separate polyhedral statements for the given code region:

    Domain :=
        [p_0] -> { Stmt_if4[i0] : 0 <= i0 <= 99 and i0 < p_0 };
    Schedule :=
        [p_0] -> { Stmt_if4[i0] -> [i0, 1] };
    MustWriteAccess :=	[Reduction Type: NONE] [Scalar: 0]
        [p_0] -> { Stmt_if4[i0] -> MemRef_16[i0] };
    Domain :=
        [p_0] -> { Stmt_L1[i0] : 100 <= i0 < p_0 };
    Schedule :=
        [p_0] -> { Stmt_L1[i0] -> [i0, 0] };
    MustWriteAccess :=	[Reduction Type: NONE] [Scalar: 0]
        [p_0] -> { Stmt_L1[i0] -> MemRef_9[i0] };

The relevant patches for this change are the following:

Supporting iteration

Julia provides a flexible way to implement sequential iteration over a certain range of values based on its iteration interface which is defined by the three methods start(), next(), and done(). This interface is actually also an important conceptual aspect used to provide you with the concise for loop syntax (examples adopted from the Julia manual):

for i in iter   # or  "for i = iter"
    # body

which is, in effect, only syntactic sugar for

state = start(iter)
while !done(iter, state)
    (i, state) = next(iter, state)
    # body

Two very essential types, that implement this interface, are UnitRange and StepRange which enable you to write

for i in 1:n

to iterate over the values from 1 to n or

for i in 1:2:n

if you only want to extract every second value in this range. Actually, 1:n is just a shortcut for UnitRange(1,n) and 1:2:n for StepRange(1,2,n). However, their current implementation makes it difficult for Polly to derive the bounds of loops which iterate over such ranges. Therefore, I've supplied the alternative types Polly.UnitRange and Polly.StepRange which are implemented in a way that helps Polly to derive loop bounds more easily. But still it is not necessary to use those ranges explicitly and write

for i in Polly.UnitRange(1,n)


for i in Polly.StepRange(1,2,n)

Instead, loops that are part of a @polly annotated function will automatically be rewritten for you to use the new ranges (i.e. 1:n would automatically be replaced by Polly.UnitRange(1,n)).

The PR that provides the according functionality can be viewed at (unfortunately it has not yet found its way to be merged into Julia's main repository).

Eliminating bounds checks

By default, Julia will create for each array access a corresponding bounds check to make sure that there won't be touched any memory outside the array. That means for an array access as simple as

A[i] = 0

Julia would actually produce code like

if (i < 1 | i > size(A,1))
    throw BoundsError()
A[i] = 0

These checks come at a cost, since they introduce additional overhead at run-time, especially when they occur inside loops. Through analyzing the conditions of such checks, Polly has the ability to detect and eliminate such bounds checks or at least hoist them outside of a loop if it would be redundant to execute them over and over again. At the moment, however, Polly's ability to do so is limited by the way these checks are lowered to LLVM IR. The error branches of such bounds checks will result in basic blocks that are terminated by unreachable instructions. These instructions currently restrict LLVM's RegionInfo analysis in finding single entry single exit regions in such programs. There already exists a patch to tackle this problem (, authored by Tobias Grosser) but unfortunately it has not yet been upstreamed.

However, I based my further work on this patch in order to proceed in enabling the actual bounds check elimination (my rebased version of the patch can be found at top of the following branch of my LLVM fork: Furthermore, experimenting with this patch helped to identify a bug in Polly's schedule building algorithm which I resolved on the following branch of my Polly fork:

With these adaptions it is already possible to effectively eliminate bounds checks for accessing one-dimensional arrays. However, when approaching the elimination of bounds checks for array accesses that involve multiple dimensions another obstacle shows up. For example, an access A[i,j,k] to a three-dimensional array A would involve the following bounds checks:

if (i > size(A,1))
    throw BoundsError()
elseif (j > size(A,2))
    throw BoundsError()
elseif (((k * size(A,2) + j) * size(A,1) + i) > length(A))
    throw BoundsError()

The last of these checks is problematic since it involves the non-affine expression ((k * size(A,2) + j) * size(A,1) + i). Polly is not able to analyze expressions of such a form which would also prevent it from applying its bounds check elimination capabilities on such code parts. I therefore adapted Julia's bounds check emission to generate simpler code of the following form:

if (i > size(A,1))
    throw BoundsError()
elseif (j > size(A,2))
    throw BoundsError()
elseif (k > size(A,3))
    throw BoundsError()

The corresponding PR for this adaption can be found at


As I already described in my previous blog post, as part of my work I ported the PolyBench 4.1 benchmark suite to Julia which is now available as the Julia package PolyBench.jl. Like the original suite, it contains 30 programs for numerical computations each one in the form of a Static Control Part (SCoP). One of the major objectives of my work was to maximize the number of SCoPs that are fully detected by Polly. The below table shows how my contributions helped to increase this number for PolyBench.jl:

Start of GSoC Now
bounds checks enabled 0 27
bounds checks disabled 19 28

The increase in detected SCoPs in the presence of bounds checks is due to the above described simplification of the bounds check emission in Julia' code generator. For deactivated bounds checks the achieved gains are mostly due to the refinements of Julia's LLVM pass-pipeline and the introduction of Polly.UnitRange and Polly.StepRange.

Further contributions

Besides the actual work on the project itself I also fixed some minor compatibility issues of Julia with newer LLVM versions:

Wrapping up

Julia is now able to make use of Polly's optimization abilities but there are yet problems to be solved in order to leverage its full power for a wide range of application scenarios. In the end, I hope that with my contributions I could clear the way for further work and I would sure be glad to help, also in the future, to improve the experience of using polyhedral optimization within Julia.